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The current age is the age of stress and to get rid from this psychological problem without medicines, exercises are the best alternative. These stress relief exercises involves some light techniques, physical exercises, Yoga, Aerobics and similar other methods. However, proper diet also matters in this regard.

Are you under stress? No matter of concern now because there are a lot of stress relief exercise which lighten you and obviously, without any particular side effects like that of medical treatment and therapies. In present era, where frustration has taken place of felicity everywhere, it is very hard to get rid from anxiety. These several techniques and exercises will tell you the ways to ease yourself against stress.

Some people use relaxation techniques to calm themselves, such as deep breathing and meditation. The result appears in the shape of resistance against stress. Actually these processes lower blood pressure and relax muscles to accomplish the task. Though these methods are very simple yet these processes demand high patience and long time to recover. Some physical stress relief exercises are also beneficial for this reason because when you do exercises, you body discharges some chemical substance such as endorphins which is very much like opiates in its nature and of course harmless.

Another one of the best stress relief exercises is Yoga. All exercises involve mental, physical or spiritual work out but Yoga is the combination of all three of these. It is said “a sound body has a sound mind”. So, along with physical health, spiritual and mental health equally matters. Yoga exercises get you free from every concern and make you comfortable.

Another one of the widely utilized stress relief exercises is Aerobics…an exceptional way to pump our beat heart. It also causes endorphins flowing which ultimately end in stress free attitude. It is better to pump your hearth for at least 10-15 minutes everyday. Dancing also helps you in augmenting heartbeat even if it is little bit funny. However, if it is difficult for you to do these types of exercises, the best substitute is walking. You can induce your heartbeat by walking fast as well. Walking in greenery or hill side along with nature is useful alternative to these stress relief exercises.

Apart from all these methods, there are some other stress relief exercises but less efficient such ass stretching of body, massage therapy, and aromatherapy bath etc. Different interesting activities share your concentration and work as a stop-gap of stress relief exercises. Your diet also affects your mental health. So it is good to have a proper diet. It is only your will power which liberates you from every type of stress.

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